Monday, March 19, 2007

Why aren't the primaries secondary?

I'm already tired of the exhaustive coverage on the race to the presidential primary elections in 2008. I grasp the significance of the fact that the country has not had a situation like this since the 20's but I can't help but feel like a used entity for the media circus that has begun and will, most certainly, get worse. I think it is a great opportunity for the country to move into a new direction and begin to repair America's reputation but I just don't care to have the back and forth negative banter this early in the election cycle. Then, to think of all the money that will be spent on ads, dinners, events, and hookers, it just makes me sick. Also, all of the resources wasted on little pieces of crap with logos and slogans makes me wish some grand perspective could be injected into the situation. No, instead, every outlet will be clamoring to find the new piece of dirt and the cycle will continue.

Too bad that money couldn't be used to educate the children of this country to see the importance of government rather than the mud-slinging they will have pushed in their face.

On a lighter note.....why is it when you go to a grocery store, pay with a credit card, press the button that says credit, do the cashiers ask you if it's debit or credit?.....I mean why did I push the button in the first place? In my mind I clearly stated, with my finger actively pressing the credit button, that the question would be unnecessary. I think the button should be removed from the keypad....of course, that is only my opinion.

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