Monday, February 19, 2007

Fruit Salad

Who puts marshmallows in fruit salad? That was the thought as I sat down for my first "meat and three" meal at a local joint. Of course, the fruit salad was also a mayo (or some white sauce) based item that I was left to conjure up a potential taste. It was tasty but I'm pretty sure that any nutritional value that I had hoped for was long gone as was any taste in the long overboiled peas that I got as one of my other "3" sides for my meat. I've had plenty of tasty meals here and I've already become rather partial to collard greens but the availability of vegetables cooked in a way to preserve their natural goodness is sorely lacking....on the flip side I'm sure I could more easily find these vegetables fried in one way or another. I may be embellishing a bit here but fried is certainly the weapon of choice on many meals.

Oh, and by the way, boiled peanuts....awesome.

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