Tuesday, July 17, 2007

out the door with cup in hand

It's been awhile since I've written about something that was the impetus for starting this blog-my adjustment and education of the South, more specifically, Alabama.....so here is a tidbit.

It is common practice when at a restaurant, to take the cup along home with you. For this reason, many restaurants use Styrofoam cups. I've heard several utterances of "Can I get a to-go cup". In this case the restaurant is using plastic or glass cups and people ask for a paper/Styrofoam cup to be on their way.

The other funny thing about cups at restaurants is that some of them are so large (think 64oz) that make more than a few adults consider using two hands to lift them to their mouths. I guess this is done so they don't have to worry about refills but some servers have come by and asked if I need a refill. Are you kidding me, if anything I may need an empty cup so that I don't pee myself.

I'll try to keep with the idiosyncrasies of the South......till then, could I get a to-go cup?

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